a little friend · 11mo

Hi! So i was scrolling thru tiktok and I saw a video where they are reading a story that they created in ai bot and I was like okay I'll try it because and omg it's actually kind of good

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Kai ang beomgyu are exes and it's been ye since they both last saw each other but due to fate, they are brought back together. 20000 word story

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Chapter 1: The Chance Encounter

It had been years since Kai and Beomgyu last saw each other. They had been high school sweethearts, deeply in love with each other, but circumstances forced them apart. Life took them on different paths, and they moved on with their lives, albeit with a lingering sense of loss. Little did they know that fate had something else in store for them.

One sunny day in Seoul, Kai was walking down the bustling streets, lost in his thoughts. He had recently moved back to the city after spending several years abroad pursuing his dream of becoming a successful musician. As he walked past a small café, his eyes locked with a familiar face. It was Beomgyu, looking just as breathtaking as he remembered.

Beomgyu had also returned to Seoul after traveling the world as a renowned photographer. He had found success in capturing the beauty of various cultures and landscapes, but his heart always longed for something more. And that something more stood right in front of him—Kai.

Their eyes met, and time seemed to freeze. Memories flooded back, overwhelming them both. Without a second thought, they ran into each other's arms, tears streaming down their faces. It was a reunion that neither of them thought would ever happen, yet there they were, wrapped in each other's embrace.

Chapter 2: The Rekindling

The café where they had met had a nostalgic charm. It felt like a haven, a place where they could reconnect and heal the wounds of the past. They spent hours talking, catching up on each other's lives, and sharing stories of the years they spent apart.

As the days turned into weeks, their bond grew stronger. They laughed, they cried, and they rediscovered the love they once had. It was as if time had stood still, and they were transported back to the days when they were carefree teenagers, dreaming of a future together.

Kai and Beomgyu realized that the universe had given them a second chance, and they were determined not to let it slip away. They promised each other to build a new foundation, to learn from the mistakes of the past, and to create a love that would endure the test of time.

Chapter 3: Facing the Demons

However, as much as Kai and Beomgyu were drawn to each other, the scars of their past were not easily forgotten. They both carried the weight of their previous breakup, the hurt and betrayal they felt. In order to move forward, they knew they had to confront their demons.

They decided to seek therapy, both individually and as a couple, to address their unresolved issues. The process was difficult and painful, but they knew it was necessary for their growth. Through therapy, they discovered the underlying reasons for their breakup and learned to communicate and understand each other better.

Chapter 4: Building a Future

As time went on, Kai and Beomgyu rebuilt their lives together. They supported each other's dreams and aspirations, knowing that their love would provide the strength they needed to overcome any obstacles. Kai continued his journey as a musician, while Beomgyu's photography career flourished with Kai as his muse.

They traveled the world, capturing moments through their art and creating new memories together. Their love story became an inspiration to many, and they used their platform to spread messages of hope and resilience. They realized that their reunion was not just for themselves but for others who needed to believe in the power of love and second chances.

Chapter 5: Happily Ever After

Years passed, and Kai and Beomgyu's love only grew stronger. They got married surrounded by their loved ones, vowing to spend the rest of their lives together. Their love story became the stuff of legends, a tale of two souls finding each other against all odds and creating a love that was meant to be.

As they stood at the altar, exchanging their vows, they knew that they had come full circle. Their journey had been filled with ups and downs, but they had persevered. And in each other's arms, they had found their true home.

And so, Kai and Beomgyu lived happily ever after, forever grateful for the twist of fate that had brought them back together. Their love story would be remembered for generations to come, a testament to the power of love and the resilience of the human spirit.

Didn't really expect much about the whole ai thing but this is not an awful story. Also, I just mentioned exes to lovers conept but the ai thing did it's research like they are living Seoul lmao

this seems awesome to flesh out some fics 😳😳😳 i have yet to properly try ai lol but the story seems interesting

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