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anon · 11mo

Hmm sookai synastry any thoughts?

my immediate reaction to their charts is like wow these dudes are obsessed with each other. but obsessed with each other in different ways. like kai is obsessed with soobin in a “this man takes up a lot of my brain space” and soobin is like magnetized to kai. i really enjoy their sun x rising synastry! like soobin pisces moon kai pisces rising! like kai feels like home to soobin and probably felt immediately comfortable with him. and then both water moons! yum! and this isn’t necessarily a synastry thing but i think a lot about soobin having a capricorn venus and not sparing time or effort in to people who aren’t worth it and then he just puts so much effort in to kai it makes me kinda crazy 🥲 and while this pairing is quite intense, at the end of the day they are both fire signs (compatible) so that all that intensity is washed over with some giggles and jokey jokes hehehe

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