Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 3mo

in my own verdict of being guilty of stalking your account, I'm glad I did because I found out you liked jwqs????? can you share your txt members as the characters opinion because the word limit here make me anxious of rambling and not getting all my points in one go, but just so you know I'm vibrating hard as fuck (not suggestively) when I found out not only a moa but one in an rpf/s space who has read my favorite novel and love farcille

LMAO hello anon thank you so much for stalking my account 🤩 I’m a simple Leo who loves attention
Horrible news but I have not finished reading JWQS as I’m taking a break to read Gideon The Ninth with my friends because both books take a lot brain space.
Sorry for being misleading I just can’t resist the fan art + I’m trying to convince my mutuals to read it with me 😭😭😭
and YES I love Farcille. My media consumption is literally TXT rpf + a bunch of GL/lesbian media. Anon do you like other GL and Yuri too? Thai GL? Green Lesbians?
Also as I said before I have not finished JWQS so I will hold off on responding to your other message BUT these messages were really exciting and I’m so motivated to read faster now hahaha 💕

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