gooner3000 · 10d

adding onto what that anon said about geon's public image;
i agree actually but do you remember when zrs were freaking out about that one fansite that took a pic of his stomache? saying how he didn't give consent?
tbh with you idols KNOW they are being photographed every moment during fansigns, why else would fansites come in with those huge cameras recording for hours?
my point being if he really was so against showing skin like that, there are so much easier ways to wear that clear belt thing without lifting his shirt. he could've easily turned around, gone to wear it at the back etc. whose going to be giving explicit consent during a FANSIGN?? 😭

exactlyyyyy like that’s exactly what i was telling me friends. like first off all, he’s at a fucking fansign, there’s 0 expectation of privacy in front of dozens of cameras. and second, it’s not even like he even TRIED to turn around or walk to the back to change?? he literally stood front and center and made eye contact with the camera like??? his fans are just desperate to ignore how badly he wants to be sexualized, maybe because then they have to reckon with him being a sexual being who might have sex with other people. and like, mood. i personally would kill myself too. but don’t deny him the one thing he’s asking for lol he wants y’all to thirst after him soooo bad and instead you’re virtue signaling in his face!! these people do not know or understand gunwook at all!!

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