Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous flower · 12mo

I want to start with the disclaimer that I am respectfully asking this out of genuine curiosity. Why did you 'private' some of your works? I follow you on Twitter but never saw the window yiu mention that would have allowed access to the now private works. It breaks my heart that I can't reread them but they are your art to either share or withhold, so I understand. I am just curious why you chose to remove them. Your works bring happiness to so many

disclaimer: fic writing is fun and should not, on average, require this much brain power - I am a silly person who is constantly experiencing an existential crisis, please do not take my response here as anything other than an opinion.

I answered a similar question a few months back and will give you the same answer now, as the reason hasn't changed.

I’m clumsy when it comes to storytelling, meaning I unknowingly let my experiences bleed into the narrative. in the past year, people who have known me long & well enough have been coming up to say: "I understand why you wrote X in Y now. it's because of Z, isn't it?" I mean, talk about the mortifying ordeal of being known… holy shit. anyway, I realised that I wrote because I needed to say certain things & a particular pairing or storyline provided the perfect medium. but, do I need to say these things to everyone and their family on ao3 dot org? not really. in fact, I would rather not. there is comfort in sharing with those who understand where these stories came from and what each line is made of. this mends my heart.

on that note: I am glad to have brought happiness to you! think of it as my turn now. I genuinely get so giddy daydreaming about what I can write in the collection and I haven’t been giddy about writing since 2020~

I won't be responding to this type of question anymore, so I hope I am more articulate now than I have been before. :)

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