anon berry · 5mo

The imagery of someone’s pant button popping has been on my mind the past couple of days. The tightening waistline around their core as their belly spills over the top and almost balloons in their pants. Everything’s filling with juice and makes it hard to walk, let alone get help. The person couldn’t even help themselves as their fat arms couldn’t move their ever growing muffin top out of the way to simply unbutton their pants. They groan, wondering if people being present for this transformation would be better or not. One fattening hand would be that a person could possibly aid or comfort them through this situation, and the other wouldnt want to be a leaking spectacle for a crowd.

Everything’s in them is crying as the zipper busts, relief from the pressure almost deldctable. The fabric covering their ass gives out and tears as their shirt thins and starts exposing both leaking breasts. Their belly button is far out of the reach or their arms, slowly moving towards the side as they become engorge. The weight is too much, causing them to fall back on their ever growing ass. The sudden movement causes the room to shake and juice to shift, finally sending the button flying. The relief is almost orgasmic.

sometimes yall leave me whole dang fics in my inbox and i'm always torn whether to reply w a fic type deal of my own to turn it into a contest of who will make who kasploosh in their pants first, or just hold onto it for safekeeping and easy rereading every now n then. u got a good imagination and writing voice, anon 💖

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