
the baker (artist) is always willing to chat!

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anon berry · 8d

thoughts on post-inflation body changes? like if a guy is just skinny asf pre-inflation then gets big and he comes back down and there's enough residual juice to give him a squishy tummy an entire bakery in the back... do you see my vision????

anon berry · 12d

i dare you to drink 3 gallons of water

anon berry · 28d

Not to be nosy, but you talk about getting sick a lot, are you ok?

anon berry · 1mo

May have been asked already, but have you ever considered posting your irl tummy?~

have thought about it before, but i kinda don’t wanna take away love or focus from other ppl’s better tummies whose bellies are their moneymakers -w- im really not anything in comparison! if i post any pics that happen to have tum in them it’s usually cuz i’m just sharin the outfit/vibes i’ve got

anon berry · 1mo

you might have probably answered something like this (I'm not sure), but how can someone get comfortable enough posting fetish related art? I want to take a step into the community, but I'm not quite sure how I should start and personally I still feel a bit apprehensive about sharing my 'special' art.. ٩(′д‵)۶

anon berry · 1mo

You are one of the best people on berry twitter tbh

i may not be the biggest or the fullest or the juiciest (yet), but i am just doing my best and being me!!! 💙 😭 THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!

anon berry · 3mo

Are you into the concept of contagious blueberry inflation? Like a single splash, stain or drop of contaminated blueberry juice making physical contact with another person, entering the water-supply or getting into foodstuffs producing a cascading, exponential, world-spanning pandemic of zombie-like blubbery, bloated, blueberry BBW bimbos; all irresistibly eager to spread the dubious 'blessings' of their newly corpulent condition onto everyone else they encounter?

not really! i like it best in self-contained instances, and usually not tied to any mental corruption stuff, that's a whole other playhouse

anon berry · 2mo

Getting inflated as a means of shutting you up goes hard. I keep thinking about like a mean and grumpy older woman getting tired of my BS and feeding me something then leaving the room for some peace and quiet while I get bigger

yesssss, just leaving you all flustered and lonely and helpless~ im also a fan of a lady looking like she's eating a candy herself, but then she abruptly kisses you to shut you up and stun you... and slip the uneaten candy into your mouth in the process. would be a real shame if you panicked and swallowed it in the process... then the effects of it would reeeeeeally be amplified.... you'd get so, so big, how awful would that be!

anon berry · 2mo

is this mermaid in your most recent post wakasagihime from touhou??? or just a rando mermaid design? :0

YES IT IS INDEED WAKASAGIHIME AHAHAHA i was gonna reply to the art post and say so or hint at it but decided to wait and see if anyone noticed so CONGRATS ANON 🎉

anon berry · 3mo

Do you think that the factory tour guides ever get a blueberry inflation kink or at least a thing for bratty girls? Do you think at some point they start purposely ignoring that one brat that leaves the group to explore some certain areas of the inventing room? Do you think that they ever purposefly keep the gum within the brats reach? At some point I think they would start purposefly encouraging the brats, goading them into eating the gum and then teasing the dumb brats as they chew, becoming dumb berrys

speaking from experience? hmm???? not-so-subtle anon factory tour guide?? culprit behind many a girl meeting her fate as a big dumb sloshy swollen fruit????

dw friend i'll never report you to factory HR, the world needs more berries. keep up the good kinky work

Crowzaddy · 3mo

Do you think bratty milfs exist? I think it would be cool. Like imagine the daughter having to apologise for her mother's bad behaviour as the mother irritates the tour guide and other participants of the tour. But surely the mother isn't bratty enough to eat something she's not supposed to...right?

brattiness transcends age, gender, all of it!! stuckup, whiny middle aged mom who's insistent she's just as fit and young and deserving of praise and attention as her darling daughter, dressing flashy and provocative and ultra girly cramming her curves into clothes certainly too small for her, getting jealous from not having all eyes on her.... well, swiping some experimental candy to try would sure get everyone's attention! 😤

anon berry · 4mo

I always imagine blowing up in a crowded area. Try to cover up the fact that my body’s rapidly growing past what the body should be able to, and then try to hide it (before trying to get away from the onlookers before swelling too much to move)

ohhh but that's so hard, isn't it? your clothes barely hanging on, your stomach groaning, you bumping into things and people around u, quickly becoming unable to run away--especially from yourself! there'd be soooo many people gawking and staring and murmuring, taking pictures, maybe even poking and prodding you.... who knows what'll get done to u once you're all huge n helpless? if someone gets curious (or horny!), who knows indeed....

anon berry · 5mo

sometimes yall leave me whole dang fics in my inbox and i'm always torn whether to reply w a fic type deal of my own to turn it into a contest of who will make who kasploosh in their pants first, or just hold onto it for safekeeping and easy rereading every now n then. u got a good imagination and writing voice, anon 💖

anon berry · 3mo

Have you got any more robin and Lilah stuff in the works? :3c

nah not at the moment! i've got work to catch up on, some new n different stuff i'm trying out art-wise, wips to finish... i didn't really get to draw for like 2 weeks cuz of surgery recovery, and now it's bday season so i just wanna draw whatever i most want. who knows what it'll be next?

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