anon berry · 1mo

you might have probably answered something like this (I'm not sure), but how can someone get comfortable enough posting fetish related art? I want to take a step into the community, but I'm not quite sure how I should start and personally I still feel a bit apprehensive about sharing my 'special' art.. ٩(′д‵)۶

i have indeed talked about it before but i don’t at all mind sharing advice again!! 💙

for me personally, it was a matter of realizing i was putting a lot of effort and care into my kink art, and i was like… wtf i don’t wanna keep this all to myself, it’s good art and i’m working hard!!!! so allow yourself the confidence to say “my art is good and worth sharing”, and find joy in sharing what u enjoy making!

also, it’s ok to make and play up a sort of ‘persona’ for accounts for ur nsfw art, if you wanna keep it separate and/or secret from what you normally do! it removes some of the stress of being ‘found out’ or w/e, and tbh i think it helps build up even more confidence when u allow yourself to act big and loud and proud n happy about your interests w no reservations!! come up with a new kinky nickname and sona or whatnot and just go wild!

lastly, don’t set goals or lofty dreams for yourself—just think of it as ‘for fun’, like a bonus in life! start posting ur stuff, use some tags n stuff at first to help ur art get found, follow the artists you enjoy, support fellow artists… and best of luck hun, i believe in u!!!!!! 💪

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