anon berry · 1mo

Not to be nosy, but you talk about getting sick a lot, are you ok?

lol i’m usually ok! i just have a lot of chronic conditions that often flare or cause me to fall ill, and i require regular testing and doctor appointments n all. i have an autoimmune disease that also includes a form of arthritis, some cardiovascular disorders, a seizure condition, hormone disorder, blah blah blah i was born with glass bones n paper skin u get the idea

even something simple like a cold or infection can affect me or a week or more, i’m easily worn out, i catch stuff suuuuper easily, my daily pain level is usually like a 4 or more these days, etc etc—that’s why i’m not able to draw as often as i’d like, i’m often physically unable to sit at my desk without being in pain or at low energy. sorry if this sounds rambly or vent-y lmao i just wanna be open about my situation so it makes sense!

on the bright side: i get to eat tons n tons to make up for my body burning through energy and nutrients so quickly B)

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