anon berry · 10d

thoughts on post-inflation body changes? like if a guy is just skinny asf pre-inflation then gets big and he comes back down and there's enough residual juice to give him a squishy tummy an entire bakery in the back... do you see my vision????

YES this is one of my fav things omg... i'm usually fairly neutral on being left blue after berrying, but at least holding onto extra juice, smelling of berries, feeling sloshy even if only a lil bit... being curvier and more plump than before, holding onto weight in certain areas.... skin still feeling sensitive to touch, or especially tender where you were leaking before...

and the emotional/social aspect too! i mean, you were so scrawny before, and look at you now... what will people think? what will you tell them? how are you gonna explain that fruity scent or that subtle tint to your skin/hair/eyes? or what about the fact that none of your clothes fit at all anymore, huh? sooooo embarrassing 😊

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