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anon · 5mo

What are some of your favorite fantasy novels if you have any?

i do have a few!!

  1. she who became the sun (shelley parker-chan): chinese historical fantasy; queer; 2 novels (the second is 'he who drowned the world'). literally life-changing; addictive writing style and characters you'll see the worst parts of yourself within <3

  2. salt slow (julia armfield): short story horror/fantasy collection; magical realism; mysterious; lots of tension. i read this in a single sitting and would give anything to read it for the first time again!! once more, i'm obsessed with the writing style, it's very very addictive.

  3. this one will ruffle some feathers, cause you either love it or hate it: the power (naomi alderman): fantasy/sci-fi; feminist; dark & fast-paced. approach this one with the knowledge that it's not meant to be an accurate depiction of what would happen if women were suddenly running the world instead of men; it's a depiction of what would happen if misandry was actually real :)

i have a bunch more fantasy recs for other media (mostly animanga lol who's surprised) but i hope this is a good start for you!!

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