Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

I think it's absurd that people are upset at the NYC woman showing off her breasts the NYC Dublin portal however barely anyone talks about the Irish man revealing his genitals as retaliation for the NYC woman.

IS THAT REAL? [looks it up] All I can find is someone apparently showed a picture of a dick, but thats still bad oof

Really the ppl im rolling my eyes at are the ones who believe in free the nipple but also think a woman lifting her shirt is inherently sexual. Like, you can't have it both ways, right? You understand that if a woman goes outside without a bra or shirt on, her tits are gonna bounce about? I have fairly fat tits. They bounce when I walk down the stairs. They are sacks of fat. Puritanical leftists annoy me so fucking much lol

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