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bpd · 7 answers · 1y

【 QOTD 】
⤷ What is a character you think gets too much hate?

My answer is Uta from One Piece. I do assume most of the hate is just misogyny, but still.

Goro Akechi. Probably going to be called biased, but it's true. People who hate him just can't read.

BONNIBEL BUBBLEGUM. people are so weird about her and i will always be her #1 defender. yes she is strange and does bad things. no she's not a bad person. in this essay i will-

yosuke hanamura..... i get that at the same time he can be a fan favorite but i think the 'homophobia' line is pushing it a little too far.. no, im not defending wtv he said there and i do thing it was bad.. its just.. not as bad as people make it out to be. basically he was just really naive and it was in passing to someone he considers a really close friend

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