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bing bong · 3mo

did you delete your jongseob/intak fic? I went to reread it but couldn’t find it ☹️

bing bong · 3mo

You’re annoying asf

bing bong · 3mo


i check the tag every day !!!!!! makes me so happy to see more ppl write them ahhh 🪼

bing bong · 3mo

Where do you draw inspiration for your fics? I just read to desire living and loved it

thank u so much!! this may be a bit broad but definitely movies/shows i like as well as music and just my own experiences :-)

bing bong · 3mo

i’m looking forward to ur list omg !!! the thought of u watching mädchen mädchen after my recommendation is kind of stressing me out ITS GOOD TO ME but its a bit. actually u know what i stand by it. idk if it exists w subs i kinda hope it doesnt ANYWAY…. i need to watch more movies too my watchlist is so long but send me more anyway i’ll add them when they’re not alr on there 🫵🫵🫵 thanks so much bingbong

bing bong · 3mo

leaving this thought here so it stops rotting in my brain: anton donghyun dongmin threesome where bad boy ripped jeans band shirts kohl eyeliner band club president dongmin watches his bf, femme fatale godlike merman swim club member 1 donghyun break apart little by little broad and big shy and nice swim club member 2 anton who didn't know 2dong were dating albeit having an enormous crush on donghyun. thank you for coming to my ted talk!

heol… femme fatale is crasi ur brain is onto something maybe woah! big shy and nice! exactly! also i love crossovers im constantly thinking about possible riize x bnd i can write how did u know this about me

bing bong · 3mo

genuinely worried about the fact that your myungjae and your dongmin are EXACTLY how i imagined they'd be myself like.... i don't know if it's me living in your walls or you in mine but alas it's incredible!!!!! your myungjae is giving the same type of loser vibes as your sungchan but more extroverted and unbelievably more lame and it's heaven 🥰 i can't wait to read more from you!!!!

IM SO GLAD WE GET EACH OTHER im so obsessed w them i dont think im capable of writing non losers and myungjae is so. God. i need a cigarette just thinking about him THANK U SO MUCH this made me giggle

ren · 3mo

okay realizing i might’ve come a bit strong with that ask sorry im completely normal about them and you’re so insane/pos

I LOVED IT ACTUALLY ur so sweet omg i do feel a bit insane. im so glad u enjoyed it 🫂

ren · 3mo

my dear boyjeans im still thinking about your latest fic. how does it feel to be the baddest mf in the myungtae tag

bing bong · 3mo

y am I blocked 😢 i love ur fics

sorryyy thank i so much but personally i get antsy and i sb ppl a lot esp like lurkers w no or almost no followers n stuff but when i see the same @ again and again after sb i will hb 🙏 sorry friend

bing bong · 3mo

hiii I was wondering if u use movies as inspiration for ur writing as well as songs bc I’ve been looking for movie recs w a similar typa feeling as ur writing style (I LOVE UR WORKS BTW WHILE THE RIVER PATH IS SUNLIT HAD ME CRYING FOR DAYS 😭)

bing bong · 3mo

hii do you have any myungtae fic recs?

bing bong · 3mo

whats the appeal of the myungtae ship dynamic to you… i like bnd but none of the ships have caught my attention yet so im curious

im gonna be so real i could write rpf about a chair and a sock like if it works for me it works HOWEVER. all i needed to know was taesan shy myungjae flirty and i immediately came up with 34 situations to put them in but i am also: crazy

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