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bloop · 1mo

i’m obsessed with your writing style

bloop · 1mo

i feel like you’d enjoy this

bloop · 1mo

if you need ideas we have obsessedly sick stalker sungchan of star swimmer anton from college while he himself is a rich businessman

bloop · 1mo

i still come back and reread your syongton au it’s so gorgeous

bloop · 1mo

the syongton nation is dying and we’re in danger please help us

i would if i had the power trust me. i have many ideas for them but im just not motivated enough to write atm :/

bloop · 3mo

sliding into ur rs trying to hit /j. i just realised ur pfp is does it feel 2 be PERFECT ❤️ i enjoyed ur myungtae so much i feel like ive been thrown in a blender /pos. im also logged out so anon it is but crimsol. let's be friends ..Please 🌷 — citysun 💘

omg citysun hi fancy seeing you here🥰 your comment literally made my day btw im stilly giddy hdkdjlk and im soooo glad you enjoyed my freak boys and they made u feel that way. i would very much like being friends you can hit anytime u want lol😉

🍵 · 3mo

currently reading ur lovely comment i hope ur sleeping so well my dear crimsol

bloop · 4mo

UR MYUNGTAE!!!!!!!!! u might be a genius

bloop · 4mo

ao3 user crimson love u so bad do u perhaps have a twitter

bloop · 4mo

did you see the clip of bin biting neul. i'm never getting over it crawls right out of my mouth it seems

i woke up to crazy dms from friends and thought the same and you know what im always right i always win

bloop · 4mo

hi your sungchan anton fic was just amazing idk how else to tell you how much i loved it but it’s definitely one of my favs in the tag and one of my fav fics i haven’t stopped thinking about it since i read it yesterday and i’m kinda sad we didn’t get a full scene of anton first biting him but it’s okay my imagination has ran wild. anyways i’m a little insane about sungton i have been for months now and you just wrote them so well please if you ever feel like u want to write them again I WILL BE SAT!!

thank you sm that’s so sweet of you ;-; tbqh im always thinking about them especially anton. always anton. hes my big little guy and i need to put him in situations because hes my beloved freak brochiopuppy. and idk if i’ll write for them again i dont have many ideas for them atm except for the f1 au that is a mandatory au whenever i write for a new fandom lol

bloop · 6mo

do you take unsolicited ao3 gifts

essentially · 9mo

Can I just say that. Hanbin biting Matthew is. So real of you. And it haunts me every single day. So. Thank you. I feel very validated.

hanbin uses matthew as stress relief chew toy (affectionate) and love is stored in the bite is all im gonna say (this validates both of us🫂)

bloop · 9mo

ao3 user crimsol you are so cool I love you !!!

juno · 11mo

you are Wonderful ❤️

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