
“Ahh… To answer that question, I’ll need to know what you consider to be a ‘crime’.”

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nonnie pie · 1y
nonnie pie · 1y

hi.. thoughts on tojoucest?

nonnie pie · 1y

oh my gosh what are ur opinions on rinhime (if u have any............)

Im more of a himerin fan Tbh But i see the appeal of rinhime Too !! I think they could have potentially incest sex again (incest is sort of a staple for me w/ himeru imo) but i think thatd be far too intimate for himeru to do with rinne but they definitely have very violent & drunken hate sex ^w^ they both finally shut each other up just to beat the shit out of each other lol

nonnie pie · 1y

Shotanon… ♡ shu is in such major denial… he really wants to be a good caretaker for mika even though hes already fucked up their relationship tremendously lol. Mika is so messed up from the orphanage that he probably thinks that if shu did those things to him while he was ‘asleep’ then it means that oshi-san rly loves him… mika knows that shu is watching him in the shower (because hes very obvious) and maybe he even tries to make a little show out of it … bending over and showing off his cute little ass in the direction of shu’s hiding spot, even if he does it on purpose or by accident i think slutty shota mika is good food Tbh

nonnie pie · 1y

Actually in general ur just so boring for the whole wanting little boys to get sodomized by grown men thing. Such typical coomer sex registry shit. Get some culture fr. Boy cock > Boy pussy

Thats crazy... Anyways there are probably about five thousand other accounts talking about boy cock if thats what you want. Btw i do like that in reverse however this is also my account so i can kind of talk about whatever i want actually!

nonnie pie · 1y

Kohaku tops. Ur delusional

Do yall think that degrading me will make me feel the urge to write kohaku topping more or smth. If so youre doing a really bad job

nonnie pie · 1y

luca pie…..gues who made a reikao edit :3

nonnie pie · 1y
zuumi · 1y

HI LUCA PIE do u have anything to say about…reihime…. reihime fwbs :P ive been so reihimepilled lately for skme reasob they jusr appeared in my head abnd took over

Zuumi pie ♡ Reihime sounfs interesting … i think they could have weird incest roleplay sex while they call each other brother the whole time. I havrnt thougjt of reihime a lot but i could think they could do weird shit together.They both have plenty of weird kinks so they would feel off of each other well

nonnie pie · 1y


nonnie pie · 1y

what are ur thoughts on kohaku pregnant 😇

I LOVE KOHAKU PREGNANT. I need kohaku pregnant… his little belly all full nd his tits gettign rounder as he gets more pregnant.,:.: bouncingnon cock anf rubbing his nipples while he starts to lactate. Kms

nonnie pie · 1y

Please do you believe in madara/tsumugi could it be real

mmm… id have to know More thoughts abt it. I could see madara with anybody tho tbh hes just very guy

nonnie pie · 1y

omg can u share ur 2114 rinniki thoughts i wanna know more of what u think of them <3

nonnie pie · 1y

I’m sorry but ngl every time I see your name across my timeline I read it as “brother piss” 😭

nonnie pie · 1y

hi your 2114 rinniki fic changed the trajectory of my life forever ive thought about it every single day for a few months now

Omg……. Thank u sm!!!!! 2114 rinniki is very special… i got a lot of hate on that fic LUL But 2114 rinniki is so special bc while 17 rinne is definitelt some typa victim i think 21 rinne refuses to face whatever trauma he went throygh so he’s fs fucking that little boy niki. i have many thoughts about them if im honest.Teehee

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