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soogyuists · 5mo

um what are the odds that someone dropped and someone won't get a gift?

soogyuists · 5mo

hi admin ;> im sorry if this is a silly question but have u posted a new timeline for the posting of fics?

the break has always been incorporated into the schedule! but i might have to rearrange some stuff for one and more reasons @@

soogyuists · 5mo

hello!! i have been refreshing your page for a while now, are we not getting any fics today? 😭😭

it's a break day :> i noticed that people haven't got the time to read all the fics yet so i think a break is needed, even just for a bit

soogyuists · 5mo

is today a break day?😅😅

yess you guessed it right, i posted the announcement late since i had to make a last minute change on the banner :(

soogyuists · 5mo

can i just say all the graphics are super adorable? seriously, so pretty ;;

soogyuists · 5mo

oh no :(( i hope they show up now at the very least... that's the least they can do having taken up the opportunity of someone else being able to claim a prompt :(

it's actually okay to drop prompts as long as they leave enough time for the pinch writers to write the fics in their place T_T but it's okay...

soogyuists · 5mo

ooh! admin, wanted to ask if anyone dropped and if yes, how was the gift situation dealt with ;;?

there were some who dropped... and some who went mia without notice... it's being dealt with but i'm still hoping they'd show up :')

soogyuists · 5mo

hi admin!!! im wondering, have You read the fics already?

may i assert my right to remain silent ^^;; the only thing i can say is that i love soogyuists and i can't wait until these fics are finally available for everyone to read because omg

soogyuists · 5mo


11:11 kst! i'm still waiting for some submission due today. with the hope that by the time we start posting, all the Valentines are already done and free!

soogyuists · 5mo

Aaaa I'm so excited for all of the fics and my gift. I can't wait I'm vibrating with energy!

soogyuists · 5mo

hello! sorry for the dumb question but are we supposed to send our fic via email on the 4th and then post it on the 9th? also, if so, would it be possible to get an extra day or two to finish editing the fic? thank you

you can follow the guideline i linked on the email! tldr you have to submit it into the collection by the 4th of feb, but it will stay hidden and nobody will be able to access the story except for you and the mod. the mod will be the one who reveals it to the public on 9 (or the specified time later on). if you need an extension, please reply to the email or dm me!

soogyuists · 6mo

Hi! I was just wondering out of curiosity what happens with the prompts that have been claimed after the valentines matching? Will they be posted separately from the event whenever the author finishes the fic or will they be like a second valentine? 🤔

They shall be posted on the same day, so for the Valentines who got their leftover prompts claimed, they will get more than one gift c:

soogyuists · 6mo

Hi! Maybe it's a bit silly to ask, but when we submit our fics when the deadline comes, will we use the gift feature on ao3, or will we post without it?

It's not silly at all~ on the submission date, you will have to post the fic into a (private, undisclosed) collection and gift your fic to your Valentine (by this time, everyone will have their Valentine's ao3 username already). I'll make a mini tutorial near the date for people who are not familiar with this feature ^^

soogyuists · 6mo

hello wanted to know when people who choose to know the person they are writing for will get to know it?

sorry i just got to sort out the 2nd check-in today, so i'll get to it asap! the name will be sent to you through x dm

soogyuists · 6mo

hello! i'm sorry if this is a dumb question, but if we're aiming to make a long-chaptered fic, does it have to be completely finished by the time of release?

Hii, if you're making the fic into a chaptered fic, you'll have to finish at least one chapter finished on the submission day, and then you can continue writing even after the event ended (with the intention of finishing it). It'd be even better if you already have several chapters already ^^

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