
he/fae/tiger pronouns, 25 years old, check my carrd for more info!

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anonymouse · 1y

I'm a bit new to your fankids, how are they like, do you have any fics and/or art with them? :0

okay there's a few different things i can link you to! so!

this here is a list of all my kiddos:

the kids with profiles are on here:

and i have a BUNCH of fics about them! you can find them here: all in order

there is also some art for them i've made which i post on my twitter sometimes, i also need to make like. an album of all the art i've made and/or gotten of them lmao

anonymouse · 14d

Do you have any wlw ships in BSD?

anonymouse · 14d

It's a preface before I want to say, we all should be misogynistic to Mori more.

anonymouse · 14d

Hello, Cio, are you open minded? Do you open your heart to any possibility? Do you want to hear why woman like BL and why some stories of BL often the reconstruction of patriarchy society? And why sometime BL is not the same as homosexuality in real life but entirely different things?

blink sfx. i mean i already know about all of that so i'm curious as to why this specifically was sent to me? are you trying to like. insinuate that i think BL is problematic or smth or???

anonymouse · 14d

What's your discord acc?

anonymouse · 23d

How do you get ideas for names for your fankids? The only thing holding me back from making more is I can never name them LMAO

anonymouse · 24d

Is Minoru nakajima-Akutagawa more book smart or street smart?

Minoru's definitely more book smart. He ends up working with a branch of the ADA called the Hawks, which is effectively made up of precocious children, and while he's definitely very smart and an avid reader, his understanding of some of the darker parts of life is definitely lacking. Not that this bothers his parents, who are glad that he doesn't have to know.

anonymouse · 1mo

Are u planning to make/write more fankinds? If yes then who’s?! And also i don’t know if you ever mentioned it but who is your favorite fankid or one that you relate to most and why?

anonymouse · 2mo


google translate told me this says "do you like me" and uh. idk bc you're on anon lmao

anonymouse · 3mo

Hello cio, hope u’re doing okay^^ i miss your tweets!

anonymouse · 3mo

Hello cio! I noticed u haven’t been on twitter much lately, hope you’re doing okay

RYAN | NECEROSISX · 7 answers · 3mo


RYAN | NECEROSISX · 6 answers · 3mo

hi, sorry. suspended on everything. im fighting for it back. i dont know if sending a ticket in claiming it was wrongfulyl taken down will help or is possible. but if people can id really appreciate it.

anonymouse · 4mo

Do you have any fan kids with disabilities? If yes who are they and who is your favorite one of them

anonymouse · 4mo

Do you have any original book authors you could say are your influences? What do you like best about their books?

the greatest influence on me in terms of both storytelling and writing style has been the warriors series by erin hunter, given that i got into it when i was 7-8 and never left lmao. the series itself isn't groundbreaking, and yknow has a lot of issues when you look back on it as an adult, however it directly impacted me greatly and continues to given that a lot of the concepts and techniques i use now, i started using by copying things from those books.

as far as what i like best about the warriors series? the characters. they're not always the best but they are beloved to me

anonymouse · 4mo

More of a writing-related question. Do you feel like your prose is, on average, too verbose, too direct, or something in between? Would you like it to be different?

on average, too direct. i'd like it to be more in-between bc too verbose sucks for me to read, but i feel like i'm not descriptive enough. others have said i'm already perfectly in-between or in the middle but ehhh i feel it could be better

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