Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

masked fool · 12d

Natlan AQ the real gnsn killer because why is my entire timeline talking about anything but this game? Lots of zzz/wuwa posting, some infinity nikki, a bit of hsr but not as much as before (seems that one is flopping too) and of course there's still some nufu posting even if we're in a drought... But outside of some capi gushing there is zero hype or discussions about gnsn's current content which might pick back up again during LR (hopefully so because HU TAO TIME) or during the inazuma event and that really says a lot :/

it’s probably because the first half has nothing going on. a lukewarm below average AQ and absolutely terrible events, as if we’re near the end of the patch… luckily lantern rite is coming out soon!!!

MEANWHILE zzz is peak. the latest chapter was beyond amazing and i’m really excited for 1.5– the trailer looked soo good

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