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ayis : P · 2mo

hai hai J! i hope u have an amazing day today :D anw can i get a follow back? thank you so much! 🙇🏻‍♀️

hi ayis!! sorry for late reply yaa. thank you, i hope u had an amazing day too ✨ already followed yaaps

🐈⭐ · 2mo

helloo! i apologize for the sudden follow. I got your retrospring account from a menfess. Can i get a follow back? thanks in advance!

hi! sorry for the late response. already followed you! i like your theme btw, it's super cute <3

unknown · 2mo

if you could teleport to your favorite anime, film, Kdrama or series, what would you choose? 🎬

Adam. · 14 answers · 2mo

Tell me your comfort foods! I might try it :]

rawon, sate kambing, soto banjar, nasi kuning (versi kalimantan 😔), sanggar pisang, amparan tatak, sate payau. i guess its kinda hard kalo cari di sekitar pulau jawa 😅 except for rawon, sate kambing. oh and soto banjar udah banyak yg jualan sih but the taste hmm not my type :(

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