myungtaeist · 5d

leehan lore pls 🤲🤲🤲

leehan's family lives in the city but he's always yearned for a quieter life ever since they started taking vacations down to little beach towns, which is also where his fascination with the ocean grew. he's interested in marine biology and conservation and is looking into college courses for it where he can spend a lot of time doing field studies. he's barely seventeen when he meets taesan at the music store, and they're kind of opposites in a lot of ways? leehan has big dreams with a quiet life in mind while taesan doesn't really dream of anything but wants to escape. after the vacation and when taesan doesn't call him back he goes to college and gets the life he dreamed of. i like to think they run into each other again one day, maybe when taesan and sungho are taking one of the trips they talked about :)

also fun fact: i was going to bring leehan back into the fic in the second chapter and he was going to be what sungho ended up being BUT i ended up decided to keep him as a temporary vacation thing because i wanted to keep the idea of lost chances that he can never get back and the regret that comes with them that helps him take new chances :3

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