myungtaeist · 5d

woonhak and taesans dynamic was my unexpected fav part of the fic i just love that taesan had some semblance of a family even if he didnt realize it 😭😭😭

THEY'RE SO SPECIAL TO MEEEE i love them so badly. taesan who is trying to be better so that woonhak doesn't have to see him hurting and woonhak who knows it anyway but doesn't say anything because he wants taesan to feel like he's doing something good. woonhak seeing taesan and jaehyun as the older brothers he never had and taesan and jaehyun seeing woonhak as the younger brother they never had. i really think they shaped him as a person growing up and woonhak's dad gives them part of the credit for helping him raise woonhak.

and also woonhak's dad seeing taesan partly as another son too, though they're both too stubborn and reluctant with their feelings to admit out loud they have a familial bond between them, they feel it all the the same.

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