myungtaeist · 5d

how does the topic of the reasoning behind the breakup get brought up n how does it go…

sooo taesan gets in touch with sungho first after the whole proposal thing and he asks if they can meet up to talk. they go to the same cafe they went to the first time they spent time together just the two of them and they sit down and have a very very long conversation about everything.

taesan apologises, straight up, he doesn't try to get pity or explain why he's not a bad person because he knows what he did was shitty and he has no excuse for that. he tries to explain his reasons, again not to try and redeem himself just because he feels like he owes sungho an explanation. sungho listens and honestly it's maybe the first time taesan has opened up to him so wholly, bared all his feelings to him so vulnerably. they've talked before, yes, discussed touchy topics and the likes but never in so much depth and sungho can see that taesan is really trying, that he's working past all his inhibitions and fear of judgement to try and explain things to sungho and he appreciates it.

like don't get me wrong sungho does rip him a new one and tell him that yeah disappearing on him like that was fucked up and he did not deserve to be treated that way and taesan should feel guilty about that, but the thing about sungho is that he's always been understanding to a fault. he gets it because his own first relationship ended because he freaked out and quit out of it before it could get serious because he wasn't ready or comfortable with himself. so at least a little he knows where taesan is coming from and he wants to be able to be there for him like no one was here for him when he went through the same thing.

does not excuse taesan's actions and sungho tells him flat out that taesan hurt him badly and that's why they don't get together again right away because they take the time to rebuild and relearn each other and put their relationship in a new context.

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