myungtaeist · 5d

what kind of job taesan would get after moving in with sungho? or does he manage to make a living with his songs?

also thought about this a lot sooo taesan has a part time job as a server in a restaurant because unfortunately you can never fully escape capitalism and shitty jobs and he still needs to make a living somehow. it's stressful and he hates it but he gets to bring home food sometimes and sungho is always there to pick him up after a bad shift.

but!! he's also started freelance producing online from home and he's currently looking into bigger offers and deals. also, with sungho's encouragement, he does a little busking and small gigs on the side which he's initially terrified of but gets more into it the more he does it.

sungho has a nice office job as part of the design team for building planning, which pays decent and he has a lot of chance for overtime (which he tries not to take because he has a very lonely boyfriend waiting for him back at home). he is very very supportive of taesan's music career and tells him several times that if he wants to quit his service job and spend all his effort on music that's okay. taesan won't because he's stubborn and refuses to be a liability but he appreciates it immensely.

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