myungtaeist · 4d

how does everyone react to sungho taking taesan back? is there some skepticism?

oh definitely. from everybody. jaehyun supports them because above everything he wants taesan to be happy and he knows that sungho can do that because he's seen them together and it's honestly the most at peace he's ever seen taesan. he also feels partly to blame for them breaking up so he almost encourages them getting back together.

riwoo... not so much. it's not that he dislikes taesan. he doesn't think badly of him because he knows taesan has his own issues. he's just worried for sungho because he knows how much he hurt and he's scared of it happening again. he doesn't try to dissuade sungho because he's an adult and can make his own adult decisions but he does voice his skepticism in the way that he only wants the best for sungho. sungho listens to him and thinks about it a lot.

woonhak outright tells taesan "do not fuck it up again" because he has no filter and knows everything even when taesan has been trying to hide it from him.

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