Mima · 11 answers · 1y

do you have any dream place? mind to tell me where is it?

I've always wanted to visit Switzerland someday! Cantik banget, pengen tinggal di sana huhu

i always want to live my usia senja in new zealand. i dont know where to be exact, but i have to be there

Of course I have, pada masanya aku pengen tinggal di negeri dongeng, keren gitu bisa ketemu semua princess yang ada di disney hahahaha.

banyaak! mostly in japan; tokyo, harajuku, osaka, kyoto, dan masih baaaanyak lagi!! oh sama maldives juga!

i don’t really have a specific dream place i want to visit.. but i do want to travel the world and explore new places!

Switzerland and Japan. I think people probably know the reason why I chose these two countries

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