no name · 4d

you mentioned zl being a lil bit of a brat for nv and tbh god bless that bc too many people just totally disregard zls bratty side 😮‍💨. like he loves to push peoples buttons and be a smart ass and like to get his way and people could stand to bring that up more 😫

PLEASE the fact zhongli is such a little shit is SOOOOOO SO IMPORTANT TO ME IT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME like yes he's suave sexy dom daddy but also he goes "i know you are but what am i" when people start beef with him. that's probably exactly what he said to neuvillette that started the fight in the first place. just THE most petty little shit bickering possible that he is 10000% having sooo much fun with while neuvillette is about to lose his mind at him
zhongli doesn't throw the first punch that turns Verbal Arguments into Physical Fights but mein gott does he have a streak of pushing the other person to start it. very few people (especially in the circles he often hangs out in) have the balls to try and throw hands with him (like. look at him. the average person does not compare.) but once in awhile he runs into someone with Poor Patience and Nothing To Lose and gets what's comin to him. neuvillette being one of those people. naturally it never deters him he thinks it's hysterical

he's the type of brat that makes a great sadistic bully as a dom when he's in the right mood. he's gonna mess with you and tease you and if he's feeling cheeky enough the edging will be insane. that's why he's so good at taming childe when he gets bratty because he KNOWS the game like the back of his hand

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