no name · 4d

Childe and Wriothesley going lingerie shopping together send tweet

my brain immediately told me "AU where they're both sugar babies shopping together with their allowances"

wriothesley and neuvillette have had that arrangement for a loooong time while childe and zhongli r still pretty fresh at it (mostly childe...)

childe used to be very self sufficient and forced himself to be masc all the time so wriothesley is showing him that it's fun to like feminine things without it damaging ur masculinity and helps him feel less guilty about using someone else's money (childe thinks of the arrangement as a business transaction rather than zhongli just loving him and wanting to pamper him..)

wriothesley keeps handing childe things to try on and pointing out things he might like and poor childe is so overwhelmed bc he barely knows how to unclasp a bra on another person nevermind himself

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