no name · 3d

I feel like the first time Zhongli calls Childe a Good Boy he just nuts immediately, and then tears up a bit. both from embarrassment that he came so quickly, and the fact that he hasn't heard actual praise from someone he cared about in years (other than the Tsaritsa telling him he did good on a mission)(but who knows how sincere she's being)

PLEASE... I LOVE IT... emotionally troubled childe i love you.... also childe premature ejaculation i also love u i love the idea that he can't help it he just cums super fast almost every time
it's not just zhongli calling him a "good boy" to make him cum it's that he does it more after. childe shaking and whimpering kind of struggling to recover bc he's overstimulated and zhongli gently rubs his back and covers him in kisses and tells him how good he is. "you're such a good boy... you did so well for me, dear. i'm so proud of you for handling that well..." and childe sort of hiccups and his shoulder shake but it's not from the aftershocks anymore it's bc he's just. so. frazzled. and zhongli's voice sounded so genuine it kind of hit him hard and he has to sit up and wipe tears off his face apologizing bc he doesn't know what just came over him. zhongli so sweetly telling him it's okay and giving him a nice kiss and childe almost gets choked up again.

i love him and the tsaritsa having a real loaded relationship. the idea that she sort of treats childe like her favourite bc he's so young compared to the other harbingers. he's the baby. and although she might not claim the title of "goddess of love" anymore she can't just let childe stand by and be torn apart by the others and constantly picked on. she recognizes his loneliness and calls him in to see her in private one day and he thinks he's going to get a special mission briefing but she just. pats the side of her thigh, gesturing for him to sit beside her. he hesitates bc he knows that's kind of inappropriate but she insists, patting her leg again. and even if he has a weird feeling he can't say no to his God so he steps forward and gently sits down and she places a hand on the other side of his head to pull him close to rest his head on her lap. he's so obviously uncomfortable like he has no idea what's going on or why she's doing this but she starts carding her fingers through his hair and praising him and he can't help but relax. nearly dozing off as she tells him how good of a job he does as her vanguard. eyes closed napping on the lap of his Tsaritsa as she whispers sweet praise to him. she recognizes childe probably has some Emotional Neglect issues bc of a turbulent relationship with his peers and family as a teenager and it's sort of a 50/50 toss up on whether she wants to fulfil that motherly role for him out of love and care and concern, or if she sees it as a way to ensure he never defects from his role under her. hell even childe is aware of the fact he can't entirely know what his relationship with her is and he never knows if he can truly be comfortable being that close with her but he also can't stop himself from indulging when she calls him in to take a nap beside her

but god when it's zhongli doing it. praising him and making him sit at his feet as he pets his hair. he just. knows that's love. that it's genuine. it's not a ploy to make him stay it's just zhongli doing what he wants to do. and i think it would hit him really hard just having that emotional security of being loved unconditionally. no ulterior motives no worries about what it means. it's just love. it's just zhongli. and the fact he can get off on that praise is just an added bonus. i like to think childe is a bit obsessed with doing favours and tasks for zhongli like he'll drop everything if zhongli even vaguely mentions needing something. "oh-- we're out of onion. i'll head to the shops later to--" and childe is already putting his boots on going "oh i've got it!" even though he was just busy with something else. he will do anything for praise especially zhongli's praise. there have been many times where he's gone to do something like buy vegetables and when he comes home zhongli sees he got really good quality produce. so zhongli praises him for it. "oh-- thank you, childe! you really bought a fine selection-- you've got a great eye for quality...." and his voice trails off and he looks down and see that literally just that sort of simple basic praise got childe hard. one "thank-you, darling. you're so sweet." and childe will start dripping down his legs.

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