no name · 3d

ok wait but the idea of childe not being able to get a bra off someone is so silly n cute. ik its usually "oh you can undo a bra? you get no pussy loser" type trope but we already know he didnt really get to go through that part of growing up so now im just imagining maybe one day where zl changes to his fem form and childe cant get her bra off and hes ab to be so embarrassed but instead zl is just sweet to him about it 😭❤️
normally i come here to talk about rough sex but ig im feeling fluffy today 🤧

YOU GET MEEEEEE he never got to have his awkward teenage years so now he has to experience them as a man in his mid-late twenties. the true queer experience

pls fem!zhongli thinking she's being all suave and sexy asking childe to get her bra for her and she can feel his hands shaking a bit. thinks it's cute. but it starts taking a suspiciously long amount of time she has to turn around like.. are.... are you okay....? and he just puts his head in his hands like "why is this so hard WHY ARE THEY DESIGNED THAT WAY"

patting his shoulder telling him it's okay and reassuring him he's not a loser and cheers him up by taking the bra off herself and letting him suck her titties. works like a charm. (he gets plowed by lady cock after)

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