no name · 2d

Saw your post about neuv and wrio using each others titles in bed and I’m going a little bit insane about it

thinking abt wrio on his knees and Neuv pointing out how he’s got the Duke of the fortress of meropide as his personal lapdog,,, wrio saying ‘thank you iudex’, aoouuggghh

neuv using wrio’s titles like ‘your grace’ while still speaking from a clear place of authority is so!!

IT'S SOOOO SO GOOD i adore them playing into it... two of fontaine's most respected men sullying their own titles by throwing them back and forth in the bedroom. it's both affectionate and mocking. the fearsome warden of Meropide servicing Fontaine's Chief Justice. "does that feel good, your Honour?" "Mmm, Such a lovely mouth on you, your Grace..." IT'S SOOOO GOOOOOODDDD .. especially as they both lose their cool a bit and their voices both get more desperate. sure they could just moan each others name's but "oh--f-fuck-- Iudex~!" has such a nice ring to it. and Neuvillette's brain is too scrambled to think enough to remember either of their names so "your Grace" and "Duke" are what comes out. maybe a "Warden" here and there.

their erotic roleplay has gotta be insane

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