no name · 2d

Okay but fox hybrid Childe who goes into heat but also is very much adamant on keeping his cage on. Thoughts?

thinks so hard about him wanting to keep the cock cage on MORE when he's in heat... the rest of the time he's just sort of a scamp who gets horny and wants to hump things. some weird dominance thing he does for fun (he wants to get pushed over and humped instead) but when he's in heat allll he can think abt is taking dick. like his dick is hard and leaking all the time but that's not even what he's thinkin about he just becomes a whimpery hole that has to use all of his self control to not constantly bend over and present to people. hips up and rubbing at himself through his cage begging to get stuffed and bred and lowkey getting off on the fact he can't use his dick so he really is just a hole needing to be fucked rn....

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