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[unknown] · 10mo

N64 or PS1?

well now you are bringing the hard questions. PS1 was a golden age of JRPGs you had FF7-9, SaGa Frontier, Legend of Mana, Lunar, Suikoden, Legend of Dragoon, Parasite Eve, Vagrant Story, you name it, and tons of great games that aren't RPGs too, Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, Resident Evil--for raw quantity of game selection I'd have to give it to the PS1 even though the N64 had some of the greatest games of the generation like of course Zelda, Mario, Donkey Kong, absolute timeless classics and also lesser known absolute treasures like Jet Force Gemini, and of course Star Wars with Rogue Squadron and Shadows of the Empire. but as for which one is the better console I kind of think it's the N64. games always played more smoothly, felt more well constructed, less experimental with their graphics, just more clean and solidly designed.

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