Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
How does it feel to be brave enough letting your thoughts to wander around?
Hi (leaning against my super expensive car with the widest grin and a bouquet of GOLD roses)
What's keeping you up, Miss Lynnette?
Hi. First of all I just want to vent about me getting malicious and hate messages recently. How do you deal with it? Thank you, hope you don't mind this question.
Oh, dear. I am so sorry it happened to you. No one deserves such treatment in the first place. I wish everyone can man up a little and talk it out in person instead of sending hateful message while wearing anonymous mask. For I also believe that we don't know what one's going through the day, and being kind costs nothing. I am genuinely sorry it happened to you. If in any case you need someone to talk to or a place to vent, I wouldn't mind.
As one who happened to be in your shoes, I kept telling myself that anything they sent doesn't define me. People make mistakes, of course, as we are human after all. And feeling bad or just simply sad, that's valid, too. But I hope you will find strength from your surroundings to get through it, ya? Jangan ditanggapin, jangan dikasih panggung, jangan terlalu dipikirkan. Easier than done, I know, but I believe you are strong enough to fight back even just by deleting the messages. I hope this helps, dear. You'll get through this, and again, I am so sorry it happened to you.
Do you agree with the famous quote "time will heal"?
Good question, thank you. I will say it is 50:50 for me. I believe that time itself is a double-edged sword when it comes to healing. Time will heal, sure, but I don't think it will heal if we just sit and stare at the wounds forever. Yes, I am quoting Murakami. The show goes on, so might as well we have to do something about it.
Being sad, mourning, grieving, your feelings are valid. Emotions we feel is a gift, too. It makes us human. But again, we cannot simply sit and stare at our wounds forever.
Ideal type? Mau memantaskan diri 🙏🏻
Do you play any instruments?
Tell me your top 3 songs recently.
Pengen banget manggil 'Kakak'.
So... Sudah set your eyes on someone belum, Casslynn?
I find you quite attractive and interesting
Hello, sender. It's a little late so if in any case the drowsiness already consumed you as whole, I wish you are having a good time to rest. By the way, I genuinely thank you for the flattery. But if I am allowed to be quite frank, that got me wondering. Do you mind to elaborate? The cat is curious which part of her that made you think she is attractive and interesting. You may come around again if you feel like doing it, private is preferred. But if not, then you can have it your way. It's delightful already, knowing that you seem to enjoy my presence around your neighborhood. Once again, thank you. Nighty night! x
waduh... tadi aku nyeklis bagian hide your name gak ya...
mmmmmmmmm thank you for the pats... suka ♡_♡
aaaAaAAaaaHh sorry for making you wonder :( i miss you a lot, kakak sayang... it feels so nice talking to you again! yes yes, pinky promise! hehe
AHAHAHAHAH actually i listen to various genres of music but lately im in my skena era >_< uh i wont let myself write much abt this part bec I THINK OUR MUTUAL FRIENDS WILL KNOW ME AJSHSKSHS but yes i listen to many! for example, try listen to Choke from IDKHOW buat nemenin mayah-mayah kakak hari ini >:( siapa sih yang buat kakak cantiknya aku ini jeyek hari Seninnya?!!
aku mau nonton terus bobo kakaaak, kakak sayang juga bubu yang nyenyak yahhh malam ini! oh aku juga tadi nyiapin sesuatu buat kakak, check this out, ya?
Lucu banget. That's alright, dearie. I was wondering how have you been doing. Hopefully Tuesday is treating you well, ya? As it is treating me well enough; better than Monday, at least.
Oh.. Do we have lots of mutuals, I wonder. That's alright! Senyamannya kamu aja, ya. Anyway, were you referring to Choke by IDK How But They Found Me? Because if yes, I do know the song already. The bassist is one of my favoriteㅡDallon Weekes which once was in P!ATD. Banyak banget yang bikin kesal kemarin. Ratingnya zero (0) deh pokoknya.
How was your sleep, anyway? Semoga nyenyak, ya. Kakak semalem tidurnya nyenyak, hehe. I'm sorry for just checking my mailbox now, anyway. Sudah Kakak check channelnya. It's beautiful, your handwriting. :) Thanks a lot, sweetcheeks. <3
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