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anonie♡ · 16d

Do you want some good beomjvn smut recommendations?

rose · 17d

bmjn horror au like scream or something classic(they r the killers partner in crime bmjn ily)

anonie♡ · 17d

(read your last tweet) hey you might like this rec then https://archiveofourown.org/works/55686865/chapters/141356914

anonie♡ · 18d

I’m waiting so (im)patiently for the tebin gay panic fic I just want you to know that I’m sooooo excited for it

omg im so glad!!!! im probably going to release it as part of writers for palestine so keep ur eyes out for that and please donate if you can!!!!

anonie♡ · 19d

HEYY i get giddy whenever you say you’re writing/post wips 💖 my fav writer!!!

anonie♡ · 19d

im genuinely so excited for h&h

anonie♡ · 19d

your orpheus eurydice wip is so good!! <3 meanwhile h&h… omg they’re so hot!! going crazy over how they can’t keep their hands to themselves jdgejhdj

anonie♡ · 19d

let me kiss your brain pls pls the world building is so gooood and interesting!!

crying thank u anonie!!!!!! if this is abt the orpheus eurydice wip (i pray it is cos otherwise this is super embarrassing) but this is very much the very teeniest tiniest tip of the iceberg theres a lot more world in this thing!!!!!!!!!

anonie♡ · 23d

omg star do u have wifi again!!!!???

kids are out for a night out trek thingy tonight so i'm free of duties till they come back tomorrow morning!!!! so i walked like 20 minutes to where there's wifi and i will spend the day here and try to get some damn research done so i can write!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anonie♡ · 27d

STAR im gonna think about that snippet for a long time i’m sure ITS SO GOOD ALREADYYY

anonie♡ · 27d

r u a boycotter

well that depends on what u think i'm boycotting, but as a general rule if i find out a person or corporation is in any way harming (or contributing to a different body that is harming) an affected population then i try to boycott to the best of my abilities

anonie♡ · 28d

hello i really love your writing so much i hope you can achieve your writing goals today!!! but if not that's okay too!!! good luck!!! ily

omg hi anonie!!!! thank you so much!!!! i did get a little bit done today so it's a victory as far as i'm concerned!!!!!!

anonie♡ · 28d

Hiii i was wondering if you are continuing hot & heavy. ITS MY FAVORITE FIC AND I KID YOU JOT WHEN I SAY I DREAM ABOUT IT EVERY NIGHT (prolly a consequence of reading it everyday before sleeping) I LOVE IT SO MUCH ITS MY FAVOURITE FIC I LOVE IT

hi hi hi anonie i am most definitely continuing hot & heavy!!!! i'm just a slow writer and the chapters are painfully long (we're about 5k in rn, which is, like, a fifth of the chapter hjlakdgf)!!! i'm also in a bit of an h&h funk as in writers block may or may not be kicking my ass a little!!! BUT i have the entire chapter planned out and stuff so it will come eventually!!! I'm aiming to have it out by the end of the month!!!!!!!!

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