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onerzeus truther · 7mo

hi may, i'm feeling a little mellow so i wanted to ask, what's your take on love? what do you think love is?

hi anon :) i hope all’s well with you. i’m also feeling a little mellow and sad, so i guess brace yourself for a long, maybe emotional answer.

i’m not the very best at love, i think, and the experiences i’ve had also has not been the best but to me, love is kind. it might sound very cliché but when you love someone, you naturally become kind to them. to me, love also means safety. they become your safe space. well, that’s my experience so i think like that.

there’s also the platonic love! my favorite form of love because i love my friends, and i could never go through life without them. when you have this kind of love in your life, you should never take it for granted. i think it is genuinely such a privilege to know and experience platonic love.

love has so many forms and shapes in my head, i think of the word love and i don’t see just one or two things. it’s a little hard to really describe it. love is tender, and it’s an incredibly powerful emotion.

i think chappell roan said it best: love is a kaleidoscope.

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