
Childe Tartaglia Ajax ♡ Zhongli Morax Rex Lapis only. 💧🔶 MAIN.

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Anonymous Coward · 29d

taru: (says smth really dumb)
morax: shut up right now or i will choke you to death
morax: wait. you would be into that.

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

husky taru getting those buttons for pets to talk to their owner and calls ch a bitch whenever he walks by

LMAOSKDJKS 😭 Huskytaru and Childe having a beef whenever Zhongli isn't around...

💧: Pup, come on. We need you to take your puppy meds.
🐶: barks slams the "no" and "bitch" buttons
💧: Okay that's it young man. I'm telling your mama (Zhongli)
🐶: howls louder bites ch shirt to prevent him from getting up

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

no but my younger self used to also eat candies like chips :pensive:

Is it a universal thing for children to eat things that are much harder to chew on 😭😆shhdjsjs

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

I like the concept of Zhongli not really understanding candy. I can only imagine this motherfucker eating Jolly Ranchers like CHIPS.

Omgsjhdjsj just reading it makes my tooth ache. He got that good set of teeth istg 😭 Maybe he just likes the crunchiness? 🥹 Reminds him of those rocks he used to bite......

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

that foul legacy dick is gonna destroy zhongli's tiny hole but it'll be worth it

Don't worry, Zhongli can take it. He's made for it 🙏🏻😩 He's a god for a reason 👁️

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

I'm a fanfic author and one of the ideas for an upcoming chapter of my fic (which I've been procrastinating on) is that Childe's dick is so long that it enters a room 5 minutes before he does

In response to the anon who asked how long foul legacy cock is

OMG YES JSHDHSJ I remember seeing an art before where his dick enters first before Zhongli finally sees his face 😭 altho iirc it's just normal Taru not Foul Legacy 🥹

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

i once had a roll of blanket in hand so i used it as a demonstration for how big i thought foul legacy's dick is going to be (flaccid) and it was like ~10 cm across and the length of my forearm. my friend was concerned.

Kshdjdksj omg 😳 but yeah, that's a good way to picture how big his dong irl would be...

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

i'm asking the real question here: how big is foul legacy's cock?

For me, I would think 20+ inches flaccid 🏃‍♂️ but what do the others think? 👀

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Teyvat being a simulation and the controller (celestia) does anything to keep those who don’t know, out the loop. The archons are just creations for the people to look up to, to keep them distracted while celestia does some..

“Work” on the outside.

(Where did this come from. I have no idea.)

Imagine if Celestia just casually resets everything everytime they find something amiss that's why we're on our 4th samsara....

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

👀😳 Zhongli only realized Childe is home when he heard something rustling and another weight being put on the bed. He looked up and saw his husband fidgeting and wondering if Zhongli would want Childe to help. Is that even a question? Of course Childe should touch him right now!!! 😤

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

ch acting like everything is fine and he has everything under control like zl is not sucking him off under the table during work hours <33

OMGGG YESSSS 😩🤲🏻 He's trying to lessen the noise of Zhongli sucking his cock while he's talking to his agents but Zhongli is just too busy to care and wants to please Childe as much as he can before he go back to his mission/duty.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

childe (34) who is the ceo of an important company x zhongli (18) who he recently hired as his assistent. zhongli assists him in "recharging" after a long day

👀 Zhongli under Childe's table and helping his boss destress after a meeting or (vey risky but) doing it while Childe is talking to someone 👀👀

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Would Childe trip and fall into Zhongli's boobs like "it was an accident" but remain like instead of standing up

Yes 😔 Yes he would. But only after the "second accident" so he can just excuse himself as giving up for being straight 😔😆

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

ch trying to communicate with wantaru so that the pomeranian would leave his and zl's bedroom only to be attacked by the fluffball :pensive:

Sjhxjs oh noooo 😭 I imagine wantaru and ch rolling on the floor fighting while zl watches them thinking it's a new game that they're playing 🥹

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

zl seriously debating with htao about the moan-ability of the name ajx while ch is standing right at the door

OMGVBSHSJSJS 😭 Imagine if zl also tests how moan-able it is while debating. cue him moaning and ch blushing so hard 👀

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