Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous · 8mo

hii! about the st4y for palestine event... if im a donor can i choose what type of prize (fic, art, physical object,...) id like to win?

Thank you for your question!

To choose the prize you'd like to win, you first go through the item introduction thread. Then, once you know which ones you'd like the chance to win, you enter their raffles through the donation form. You choose which raffles you want to enter, so you choose which types of prizes you want the chance to win

The only time you don't get to choose would be in the general raffle. However, if you are chosen to win a prize through the general raffle, we will confirm that you want the prize you've won before announcing you as the winner (as long as you respond to DMs within the time period)

Hopefully that answered your question! If not, feel free to reach out again

Thank you 🖤

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