Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous · 8mo

hiii i just recently heard about your raffle with other creators for Palestine and i was wondering since i missed the window to join as a creator, would there be more opportunities in the future?

St4y With Palestine is the first donation-based event that this account is hosting, so we aren't sure if we will be doing more events like this in the future

However, if you still want to contribute to the event in a non-monetary way, you can become a bonus creator! More information will be at the link below, but a bonus creator offers their prizes directly to our top donators rather than through a raffle system

Right now, the donation amount to receive a bonus creator's prize is €100, but depending on future donations and the amount of bonus prizes offered, that number may go down (it will never be raised!)

Here's the link:

Thank you for your interest 🖤

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