Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous · 2mo

For the Valentine's event, can we leave the event if something comes up? Or if something happens and we cannot finish on time?

This is kind of a tough question to answer. Obviously, real life comes before kp0p always. People have had to drop out of events before, and I'm sure it will happen again.

However, it gets a little tricky with events like these. If one person drops out, especially at the last minute, that means another person does not get their gift like everyone else.

If your next few months are looking busy and you're not sure you can make the deadline, please try to weigh if the 1,500 word minimum is within reach and you have enough time to make the fic one you are happy with. If you are a part of the exchange and something comes up in your real life that prevents you from completing your fic, please reach out as soon as possible. This will give us time to find a solution that does not leave someone without a gift.

In the end, we just want everyone to receive a gift they're happy with and to give a gift they're proud of! It is up to you whether you think you can make that happen within the short timeframe. There are really no "consequences" to dropping out, but please try not to. Remember to reach out if you need anything 🩷

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