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Hello! As a new sefikura fan, I wish not to being up any troubling questions, but feel free to skip this one if it makes you too uncomfortable to answer. >.<🙏
I just wanted to know where the misconception of people fond of sefikura hating women came from. Do sefikura fans around the world legitimately hate the idea that Sephiroth is paired with women or anyone else in that matter that isn't Cloud, or was that just a troublesome rumor? As a pansexual, I headcannon like the idea that he could be loved by all. 🏳️🌈💕
Wow, I’ve never heard that before, actually. I would guess that it’s coming from antis who tend to target sefikuras in this fandom. Anti-fujo vibes, which I think is ironically misogynistic.
Most sefikuras I find are pretty chill and ship & let ship, though eastern fans I’ve heard are more firm about otps and position preference.
The other possible answer, which is pure speculation and not meant to speak of anyone in particular, is that it could be coming from a very small subset of those who ship Sephiroth in m/f pairings—I say this because in my general observations, people tend to dislike aspects they view as “obstacles” — so some self shippers may hate the most popular pairing, or some shippers may hate the nearest competing popular pairing, etc
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