Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Chocobo · 2mo

Hey wings, i just wanted to stop by and say thank you for bringing me into the sefikura fandom, i always avoided it, but because of you i can see this fandom out of another corner/side. i really started to like it <3 cloud is being so adorable and sometime so wolfish with sephy <3
also i wanna wish you a great time in december and hope that you can calm down and find some inspiration to draw and maybe even to write.
love your storys and art.
pps: ty for answering my zcz qs <3 would love to read it someday <3
feel hugged

🥺❤️ thank you so much, your words are very warm and feel like a hug 🫂 there are a lot of nice sefikuras and the ship can be written many ways, so I’m glad you have found more places to enjoy fandom!!

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