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anon · 2mo

You’ve mentioned how a lot of people subconsciously self insert when writing fan fic. Especially when they’re depicting one of the members as more submissive, or a bottom, etc. but I’ve read a ton of fan fics and majority of writers self insert to a certain degree. It’s not always when it comes the type of dynamics, but also their sexuality, characteristics of their looks and personality and kinks. I’ve noticed that pattern from all different types of writers for all different types of ships. It’s called fan fiction for a reason, it’s not real. As long as people don’t project their fictional ideas on to the members in real life then I don’t know why we’re acting like it’s a huge issue, especially when the people claiming it’s an issue do it themselves.

everyone self inserts to a degree and I think it's normal considering the way kp0p helps perpetuate parasocial relationships. I self insert when I write, that's why I write the fics and tropes that I do and why I write them the way that i do. I think that it does affect the way people perceive ys, even if it's not as obvious as it is for someone like wy. fanfiction is a reflection of a fandom's perceptions of the characters that they write. you can see the way people perceive ys in the disparity between top/bottom and sub/dom fics for him. it's even obvious in the number of, say, sj fics compared to jngsng fics. if all I gave you were the number of SJ fics on ao3 and the number of jngsng fics and told you to pick which are the more "popular" members, who would you guess? this isn't a dig at any members so please don't make it about them, I'm just trying to give an example as to why I think fanfic can show us general trends for how the fandom perceives the members. it's all fiction at the end of the day, you're right, but I think it's okay for me to express that I'd like to see ys depicted differently sometimes in fics

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