Tasha. · 8 answers · 1y

Do you think everyone deserve a second chance, why?

It depends on the mistakes and the after-chaos they’ve made, I think. Tapi aku sendiri orangnya percaya kalau orang gak bisa berubah dan who knows janji gak bakal ngulang kesalahan itu lagi, itu beneran janji or just a mere word from them? So, I think, not everyone deserve a second chance.

i think so, because everyone makes mistakes in their life and they deserve a second chance to fix it?

Not everyone. Ada beberapa yang pantes dan berhak dapet kesempatan kedua, ada juga yang pantesnya cuma liatin siput jalan aja :)

I do believe everyone deserves a second chance. However, sometimes it depend on the situations. Like I won't give a cheater and abuser a second chance, I might forgive but never forget, thank you next for them.

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