Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
[Resending this as I believe that the link was blocked] On the behalf of me and other people, please read:
keith was mentioned
What in the world!!!
!!!! pls read
WHAT THE HELL this was honestly something i never expected... usually i don't answer anything pertaining to callout posts but i'm fairly sure a few of my followers also knew hispatient as "damsel" at some point. i did find it somewhat strange that "damsel" stated that she wasn't a social person and didn't have any friends prior to making her retrospring account, and already seemed to be friends with hispatient. me and her even talked about hispatient before since i got a free URL from him, and she spoke of him pretty highly
I just finished reading this, I hope everyone who was affected by HP recovers. Luckily, the link wasn’t blocked for me, but I will be replying to this to spread awareness. This is something that needs to be noticed by people, HP is so sickening.. he genuinely terrifies me.
please read! ❤🐾 hope everyone is okay
I've just finished reading everything and it's far worse than I ever thought. I pray that everyone involved is alright, despite how much of an impact this has caused. Though I understand there is not much I can do, I want to be as supportive as I can and hope such drama won't happen ever again
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