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RileyG · 7mo

(Waters you with questions)

What's your favorite shota archetype?

I did a tiermaker for this once! I'll add it to the Aethy post.

If I had to pick a favorite, I'd have to say the ones that are shy about their bodies (it's cute if they're shy in general or only about this one thing) but eager to please. Tsunderes who can't resist long before they give in to the urge to be good boys make my heart sing. They've gotta be affectionate, even if it's only privately. They struggle with girls their own age and get attached to older girls and women instead. Is that an archetype? Idk. I'm just listing off the traits I like tbh. 😅 I'm also not sure if there's one I'm really into that's The Perfect Candy Shota. I usually just shotafy my regular faves.

Ray from The Promised Neverland awakened something in me tho ngl.

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