Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

friend-shaped · 1y

I have a headcanon where rj saw how jaemin who lifted other dreamies easily and it awakened something inside him. Like, the movement, the muscle flex, the grunt, and how smooth the swing of jm's hands kept being replayed in rjun's head. That's why he gets embarassed everytime he trains at the same time as jmin at the gym

for someone who never sets foot in the gym I sure do enjoy gym scenarios. also is it crazy that right before I read the last line of your ask I was thinking about how renjun complained about the noises jaemin makes when he’s at the gym and how that factors in so we’re on a similar wavelength I think 🙏🏼 let’s just say I don’t think renjun is really there to get buff with his tiny weights and knit sweater. there has to be another reason

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