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friend-shaped · 8mo

hello i absolutely love the little renmin excerpt u wrote based on those 2 pics 🥹 may i perhaps ask how even did rj get jm expelled... i'm very curious 🫣

I’m glad you liked it 🩷 this is a very valid question…jaemren were both rich kids who went to the elite high school together (at least for a while) and were really close!! a bit too close if you know what I mean. so close that when they got into trouble for it - I’m thinking caught getting frisky in the locker room, which would easily be considered unacceptable conduct in a strict/conservative school like theirs - jaemin chose to take the fall and was expelled, while renjun was painted as a victim. jaemin’s parents dgaf so he just got himself enrolled in the nearest high school so that he could continue to see renjun, but renjun’s attitude towards him changed almost completely after that </3 since he was expelled near the end of year 2 jaemin had to repeat the year at ddanghak while renjun went on to year 3 at haneul 🫶🏼

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