Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

friend-shaped · 7mo

hi queen im still thinking about ur last jamrun drabble the one where they're in different high school... they never left my mind 😔 i hope they're both doing good 🥲

hi and thank you this is so sweet 🩷 they’re not doing so hot actually BUT the important thing is they will be doing good eventually!!! once renjun admits to himself that he is not in fact happy after betraying the person dearest to him to try and lead the upstanding life expected of him…and does something about it. he has a lot of guilt to work through but he’ll get there. in the meantime jaemin’s getting pretty good at fighting!! as a rich kid dropped into a rough school he was an easy target at first but he’ll have biceps to show off to renjun by the time renjun comes around

to be honest I felt a little bad after I posted that drabble and people asked if I would continue it and I was like uhhhhh no? I didn’t expect it to gain that much traction so I freaked out a little, but ultimately I’m very glad people enjoyed and still remember it 🫶🏼

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