Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 2mo

where are y'all? (don't necessarily mean this literally, the question is something like "where to find community?")

There isn’t really an easy answer to this. “Just go out and find community” feels like a common refrain but if you’re disabled or in certain places/contexts it’s really not that easy. Even pre-covid it wasn’t easy, but now it’s so much harder. There are always online communities which aren’t that hard to find, but they also can be really awful, and the only real way to find the good ones is trial and error. Really the number one way we have found community was through anarchists in our area and anarchist organizing, because we met a ton of really great people from a wide array of backgrounds through that, but not everywhere has active anarchist groups in the local area. You can start one, we’ve also done that before, but that’s a lot of time and hard work, and you might find very limited success. If you’re trying to find community within a specific marginalized group that can be even harder. You might not have a queer or disabled etc. community established in your local area, and trying to form a community around that can be really difficult and sometimes even dangerous. We can offer specific advice if there’s a specific issue you’re having or a specific type of community you are seeking, but in terms of just generally finding a sense of community, there’s no easy answers. Even if you do find a community, there’s no guarantee it’s a very good one, or that you’ll be accepted and supported within it. It can be really hard to deal with the isolation of not having a community that supports you so we wish you good luck in finding that.

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